All CCC members are expected to attend CCC meetings and contribute actively in accordance with their roles as CCC members, and in line with their resources and areas of expertise.
CCC members have the following responsibilities:

  1. To adhere to the provisions of this Governance Manual and any policies adopted by the CCC;
  2. To adhere to guidelines of the Global Fund issued from time to time in respect of Country Coordinating Mechanisms and their members;
  3. To attend and participate in CCC meetings in a timely and responsible manner;
  4. To share relevant experiences and information at CCC meetings;
  5. To support and adhere to decisions made by the CCC;
  6. To regularly report on CCC proceedings to organizations and individuals from the sector represented by the member;
  7. To abide by the CCC Conflict of Interest Policy;
  8. To participate in reviewing the performance of grants, such as through grant scorecards, PRTRTs (Principal Recipient Technical Review Team), field visits, or summary results.
  9. Every individual CCC member or alternate who receives salary and benefits from Global Fund round grants is ineligible for voting in respect of their organization's interest.